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Our Ministries

The mandate for Christian ministry has been given to us by our Lord through his words spoken to the eleven disciples who met him in Galilee before he ascended unto the Father: “Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you.” (Matt. 28:16-19) The ministry of Christ’s followers is to be based on His model, which was at once life example and teaching.


The second point to be learned, from the Gospel of Matthew, is serving one another. The key reading is the parable of the Last Judgment. (Matt. 25) In no uncertain terms Christ identifies Himself with all those who suffer, are sick, are in prison and naked and hungry, and consequently regards as true followers those who visit Him and feed Him through their ministry to these unfortunate ones.


Board of Trustees

The board of trustees is the governing body that represents the interest of the patrons of a church. The board assumes responsibilities as a whole as well as assigns specific duties to individual members. All parish members are welcomed to attend Board of Trustees Meetings.


Contact: Jimmy Swaiss, Board President


Church Choir


The St. James Choir chants at the the Divine Liturgy and at all church holidays. Those who enjoy and have a special gift in chanting are welcome to reach out to our Choir director. Requirements include a love of chanting, a desire to learn and the ability to make a commitment to the group .


Contact: Joey Isied

Youth Group

The church's future lies in the hands of our youth. They will carry on our traditions, faith and love. At Saint James Orthodox Church, our goal is to help create a fun, loving and learning environment that will help center the church around your daily life. The youth group is open to anyone of age 12 or older.


Contact: Fr. Jeries Hanna or Fr. Dcn. Joseph Kawar


School Program

St. James is fortunate to have a very strong and thriving Sunday School program. The Sunday School program teaches our children and youth the Orthodox faith through teachings of the Bible as well as materials obtained from a number of Orthodox resources.


Contact: Carol Kafeety


Ladies Auxiliary

The Ladies Auxiliary aids St. James' spiritual and charitable growth, enhances the social life of parish families, promotes fellowship and love, and performs works of charity.


Contact: Georgette Isied


Bible Study

If you want to know more about the origins of our Orthodox faith and have ever been asked the question, “Where is that in the Bible?”,  join us for Bible Study. For a schedule of Bible Study sessions, please visit our news page.


Contact: Fr. Jeries Hanna or Dcn. Joseph Kawar

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